GT Showcase Summit
Melanie Isenhour – Colorado Department of Education,
Gifted Education Regional Consultant
Dr. Blanche Kapushion - Director of Gifted & Talented of
Jefferson County schools and President of Colorado
Association of Gifted and Talented (CAGT) 2013-2014
“If we want our nation to prosper,
we must pay attention to its most intelligent youth.” RSVP
Following the September NoCo Gifted Community presentation, featuring Dr. James Delisle Ph.D.,
author and renowned Gifted Educator, Northern Colorado’s GT community, many being parents,
were rejuvenated and inspired for what is possible for their gifted children. Yet, Dr. Delisle’s call to
action raises the question, if nationally, gifted students’ potential is being ignored, how does my school
or district hold up?
In response to questions raised after Dr. Delisle’s talk, the NoCo Gifted Showcase Summit is being
formed. Panelists have the opportunity to showcase GT programming, supports and innovations as
well as address topics such as:
Identification criteria and process,
Supports provided for identified students,
Certification requirements for GT teachers,
Early entrance and acceleration,
Concurrent enrollment,
Parent engagement.
Panelists Include:
Poudre School District
Thompson School District R2-J
St. Vrain Valley School District
Weld RE-4 School District
New Vision Charter School
Rivendell School
Global Village Academy